Saxon was neutered at the age of 11 months and because of some complications the doctor was forced to do a more invasive procedure. During this surgery, the doctor noticed a significant amount of bladder stones for a dog of this age. After testing the stones he decided Saxon should take a Bile Acid Test (BAT) to see if he had a liver shunt. Unfortunately, the test results came in and his BAT scores were off the chart. Immediately, Saxon was put on a RX diet and was retested a few months later. His BAT scores were getting worse.
My wife and I were beside ourselves because everything the Vet says, and everything you read, describes a liver shunt as a death sentence. And, although Saxon’s BAT scores were off the charts, he was 100% asymptomatic.
Looking for answers, we stumbled upon Rick and Cindy and we reached out. Rick not only assuaged my fears, but gave me the encouragement to know that with proper nutrition Saxon had the potential to not only survive, but thrive.
We put Saxon on the prescribed diet of real foods as well as any additional natural whole food supplements he would need and we prayed!
For the next two years, while our friends laughed at us as we prepared these foods for our little dog, Saxon continued to show no signs of a liver condition.
This week (two years later) he went in for a blood panel, in preparation for a teeth cleaning, and the Veterinarian called me with the results: “I am looking at Saxons blood panel and I am completely blown away at what I see. This dog is in absolute perfect health. I cannot believe what I am seeing based upon where he was 2 years ago. Additionally, his urine sample showed absolutely no signs of crystallization."
"Whatever you are doing, keep doing it! By all accounts, you have a perfectly healthy dog.”
I honestly was not expecting that. We knew Saxon was maintaining, and we figured the diet helped keep him alive— so to speak. But we really never fully expected him to be “perfectly healthy!”
Here’s the thing I want everyone to know: If you are researching on Rick and Cindy’s page you probably are feeling three things — Fear, sadness, and skepticism. I was a skeptic, I won’t lie to you. But I had to say to myself, “what do I have to lose, and what does this couple have to gain?”
So I jumped in and I thank God I did. They have saved my dog and they can potentially save your dog as well.
Saxon is now 3.5 years old, healthy and crazy! He has an enormous appetite, runs and plays and continues to show no signs of poor liver function. Why? Because he is healed and he is being healed!
John Garippa
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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